About Black Birch Farm Apiaries

Providing Apiculture Products, Service, and Education


Black Birch Farm was established in 1999 as a sanctuary for animals given up for adoption.  Over the years we have adopted a wide variety of animals including horses, goats, pigs, dogs, and cats.  Along with our adopted menagerie we have maintained colonies of bee hives both at our location and surrounding farms. The farm is always in a state of change and improvement and we have recently added an extensive solar array for electric energy production.

Our experience with bees, pollination, and apiary management spans over 45 years of practice with locations across the United States.  Over the past several years we have started to raise our own queens and NUCS which are for sale in late spring and early summer.

 The Farm also is a Honeybee phenology research station collecting meteorological, hydrologic, and plant data employing a wide variety of sensor arrays and remote sensing technologies.  The research is primarily funded through grants.

Use the menu to view our apiary products and services.  We hope you enjoy our website and welcome questions and comments.


Apiaries, Honey, Pollination, Education

We offer a wide variety of products and services......


Sustainability at its best!

Beekeepers who have success with new colonies tend to be those who are using locally produced queen bees installed into colonies that were produced from local bees, those that survived winter or periods of extreme stress. Any step toward localization of genetic stock and bees tends to move the beekeeper to a higher level of success. Various state programs have clearly shown the value of local bees, local queens, and local training as a method of ensuring better results in the colony.
American Bee Journal
November 1, 2015


Connecting with nature shared experience.

Besides our products and services we offer on-site training through classes and workshops are our small farm in West Newbury, Massachusetts...