Black Birch Farm Apiaries Research
Daily Data Updates:


Bee Activity Index


The Bee Activity Index (BCI) was developed at Black Birch Farm Apiaries as a research tool to help beekeepers track the development of their hives and apiaries. The index is built on the relationship between bee activity at the hive entrance (field bee and guard bee motion) and environmental variables. The BCI ranges from 0 (no activity) to 100 (maximum activity). The BCI is published on the website daily for the previous day and it also summarized on a weekly and monthly basis. The BCI is published in graphic form with the blue line indicating the BCI based on the actual environmental factors for the stated day. The red line represents the BCI generated from environmental factors optimized for maximum bee activity.

Solar Activity


The Solar Activity shows the Potential Solar Insulation for the day versus the Actual Solar Insulation for the day at Black Birch Farm Apiaries.